
Welcome to Light on Yoga Fitness

& Pricing

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New to Yoga?

Check out our FAQ

Aerial Yoga

Yoga in Mid-Air

We believe in findingthe joy and fun in fitness.

We offer a yoga studio where students can find growth, connection, and unity. Our goal will always remain the same, to provide a lasting impact on this community by sharing our love of yoga.

Grab the membership that works for you!

2 Week Trial
Unlimited Classes

$ 35 for 2 Weeks
  • Unlimited Yoga & Aerial Classes for 2 weeks
  • No long-term contract, cancel anytime
  • Does NOT Auto-Renew

Unlimited Yoga

$ 80 per Month
  • Unlimited Yoga Classes for 1 month
  • No long-term contract, cancel anytime
  • Auto-Renews

Yoga + Aerial

$ 99 per Month
  • Unlimited Yoga & Aerial Classes for 1 month
  • No long-term contract, cancel anytime
  • Auto-Renews

Three Waysto Practice



Vinyasa, Slow & Gentle, Mindful Flow, Power Yoga. You name it, we got it!



Our streaming set-up is top notch. Enjoy class from your home.


Aerial Yoga

Aerial yoga is for everyone. Learn to flow while suspended mid-air!

Community EVEnts

Aerial Classes Each Week

All levels yoga

How to  Sign Up

Light On Yoga Fitness offers membership packages and drop in rates for every class on our schedule. More info about class days/time can be found on our registration site. Choose your registration option below.

Download Vagaro App

Downloading the Vagaro App allows members to bookmark Light On Yoga Fitness for frequent class registration. Eliminate any hassle of sign ups, save payment info, book in advance, and we’ll see you on the mat!

Register via Website

Click the button above to follow a link to the Light On Yoga Fitness class registration webpage. Be sure to follow the prompts all the way through. Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

All are welcome.

Yoga is the practice of getting better.

For those new to yoga. For seasoned practitioners. For the adventurous folks who love to fly. Light on Yoga Fitness has a class to meet your needs.

all levels yoga

Read our FAQ

Starting a yoga practice can seem daunting. What if I do it wrong? Do I need a mat? What’s about my injury? These are all valid questions and concerns, read our FAQ for answers.